Pastor Lynette Hammond is a highly anointed and gifted, National Preacher, Radio Host, Motivational Speaker and Prophetic voice for this generation!
Her ministry began under the leadership of Bishop O. T. Jones Jr..Licensed as an Evangelist 1992. She received her ordination as Reverend in 2001.
Pastor Lynette delivers a powerful message to all, that transcends denominational, social, economic and racial lines.
Her No nonsense, No holds bar message delivery is powerful, anointed, pure and real. She is a Powerhouse whenever she stands to deliver God's word!
Reaching the hearts and touching lives of all ages. She has ministered across the country on such platforms as Conferences, Revivals, Retreats, Seminars, and more.
Many have been healed physically, spiritually and emotionally because of her ministry! She can flow in any setting reaching the masses with messages designed for them as given to her by God! She remains humble and down to earth. She is a true servant of God! Not one for titles, but she is a Prophetess and Leader sent by God for such a time as this.
She is the CEO and Founder of LJH Ministries, as well as CEO of her own Wedding Business.
She is the C0-host of the broadcast "The E.R. Zone," which airs every 1st & 3rd Saturday of the month at 11:15 a.m. Eastern on Radio Station WNAP Gospel Highway 11.
She also serves as Administrative Pastor of New Covenant Destiny Temple.
She loves to empower and encourage woman and men of all ages to fulfill their God Ordained Purpose naturally and spiritually!
She has served on the Local, District, Regional and National Level in various capacities for over 30 years.
She is a gifted song writer and soloist.
She is the author of the book "Help For A Hurting Heart" Volumes 1 and 2 , You were MSDE for this EMERGE EDITION,Divinely Sent and contributing author of the book Un-Stuck!
She holds certificates and degrees in Urban Studies and Urban Outreach and Evangelism. She is also a Freelance Graphic Designer.
She is a certified teacher within the State Prison System.
Pastor Lynette is an outstanding Motivational Speaker, Savvy Business woman and doing it all with eloquence and grace.
Pastor Lynette contact info is
EMAIL:[email protected]
WEB SITE: http://www.pastorlynettehammond.com
MERCHANDISE / PARTNER SITE: http://pastorlynettemerchandise.weebly.com