Pastor came and preached at our conference in the fall and tore the house down with the pure word of God! She's the real deal.
7/9/16 5:56 a.m.
More people should know about this awesome preacher. She is dynamic in faith in ministering and in loving people. I love her and follow her ministry regularly.
4/17/15 3:42 p.m.
I am so grateful to God for Pastor Hammond's ministry. She really cares and preaches with power!
2/12/15 9:00 p.m.
Pastor Hammond thank you for minstering to me and my family
9/12/14 6:13 p.m.
I heard Pastor Hammond preach on last night and I was so blessed as I went to the alter, she prayed for me and spoke a prophetic word to me and it came to pass the next week. She doesnt look like she is the mighty woman she is cause shes so humble but praise God for her life and ministry.
6/12/14 7:28 p.m.
I thank God for Prophetess hammond speaking into my life. She truly is a WOG.
4/16/2012 5:52 PM
Hello my sister! Thank you for your ministry. Enjoy the Presence of the Lord today.
3/31/2012 9:18 PM - God Bless you Woman of God. I enjoyed your last Broadcast speaking bodly against the spirit of compromise.
Pastor, your ministry has been such a blessing to me. I praise God for my salvation and for sending you into my life.
Excellent word and teaching Woman of God. I truly enjoyed your show today..Be bless
Excellent word and teaching Woman of God. I truly enjoyed your show today..Be bless
My sister in Christ, I would like to take this opportunity to say "Thank God for you, your ministry program and your family. It has helped me tremendously over the months. I have been looking forward to each Tuesday and Thursday to hear God's message. You have spoken on topics that would make me Jump and SHOUT in my office.
I look forward to meeting you and hearing you preach God's message in person.
I'M A PARTNER! Take care my sister in Christ. God Bless
My sister in Christ, I would like to take this opportunity to say "Thank God for you, your ministry program and your family. It has helped me tremendously over the months. I have been looking forward to each Tuesday and Thursday to hear God's message. You have spoken on topics that would make me Jump and SHOUT in my office.
I look forward to meeting you and hearing you preach God's message in person.
I'M A PARTNER! Take care my sister in Christ. God Bless